International health insurance by Yvon

Travel the worl with peace of mind thanks to the international insurance

When you're abroad, your French social security coverage isn't enough.
Even the most routine treatments can be very expensive!

The International health insurance is essential to protect you in all circumstances.

from € 30,50/month

International health insurance by Yvon

International health insurance
by Yvon

Yvon's top international student insurance in your suitcase

TOP international health insurance



  • Stays in the European Union and worldwide
  • Monthly and then fortnightly memberships
    an adaptable contract tailored to your needs
  • Coverage from the subscrition date
    in just a few clicks
  • Assistance and insurance included
    more than just an international student insurance
  • Travel Warranty Extension Option
    travel to neighbouring countries with peace of mind for just €13

International health insurance

€ 30,50/month

Request a quote

Travel insurance
extension option

Travel to border countries without taking risks,
and for only €13!

  • Join at the same time as the initial subscription
  • Coverage for up to 15 days
  • Regardless of geographical area
  • Upon presentation of proof of stay in another country

Examples of insurance cover for students abroad

  • Étudiant assuré Yvon chez le dentistea
  • Étudiant assuré Yvon avec garantie
  • Étudiant assuré Yvon international
  • L'étudiant Yvon assuré contre le vol
  • Voiture dans un paysage sauvage avec des étudiants en vacances
  • L'étudiant assuré Yvon perd sa valise et est intégralement remboursé
  • Étudiant assuré Yvon avec dégâts pris en charge
  • Étudiant assuré Yvon avec les dégâts entièrement pris en charge.
  • Étudiant assuré Yvon avec frais médicaux remboursés
  • Yvon, étudiant assuré, avec des lunettes en classe
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Looking for the ideal international health insurance to travel the world with peace of mind?

Borderless protection just a few clicks away!

Yvon support is available
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

An international network
of hospitals

A dedicated Yvon application for rapid reimbursements

Travel insurance extension option

Travel to border countries without taking risks,
and for only €13!

  • Join at the same time as the initial subscription
  • Coverage for up to 15 days
  • Regardless of geographical area
  • Upon presentation of proof of stay in another country

I subscribe

Yvon international health insurance benefits

Warranty details

Health benefits
Global coverage Limit :300 000 € Limits per period of coverage

HOSPITALIZATION (Inpatient and outpatient care )


Practioner's fees, emergency room, ambulance, prescriptions,surgery,intensive care, hospital stay expenses100% of the actual expenses In-Network No deductible or copayment
Less the reimbursement of the French national social security or local compulsary health insurance.


75% of the actual expenses : Maximum limit 8 000€ per policy period Excluding childbirth-related complications and newborn care

Medical Assistance to direct to most suitable In-Network Hospitals


Advance of hospital expenses (In-Network hospitals) : no need for upfront payment

Maximum limit : 150 000 €

ROUTINE OUTPATIENT CARE (Except Hospitalization, Dental and Optical)


Physicians consultations /visits (General Practioner and Specialist)100% of the actual expenses

Telehealth (General Practioner and Specialist)


Health professionals (Non medical Doctors) : Nursing care ...

100% of the actual expenses

Laboratory tests

100% of the actual expenses

Medical imaging (X ray, MRI, Scan, ultrasound, PET…)

100% of the actual expenses

Prescription drugs

100% of the actual expenses

Physiotherapy or equivalent treatments prescribed by a physician during your stay abroad, only following an accident

75% of the actual expenses : Limited to 15 sessions per policy period
+ 2 sessions of physiotherapy or osteopathy/chiropractic without medical prescriptions
Maximum limit : 50€ / session

Kinésithérapie ou physiothérapie ou traitement "équivalents" prescrits dans le pays par un médecin et suite à un accident pendant le séjour

75% des frais réels dans la limite de 15 séances par an sur prescription médicale
* + 2 séances d'ostéopathie /chiropractie ou physiothérapie équivalente sans prescription médicale, dans la limite de 50 € / séance



Emergency dental careDental care and dental prosthesis expenses caused by an accident : 100% of the actual expenses.
Maximum Limit : 500€ per policy period

OPTICAL (only after accident)


Frames and lenses, contact lensesMaximum limit : 250 €
Deductible : 50 €/ case

(prior to the policy term)


a) In case of temporary return in FrancePeriod of stay not exceeding 30 consecutive days
Hospitalization : Maximum Limit 1 000 000 €
* Outpatient Care : Maximum Limit 15 000€

b) In case of definitive early return to France

Extended cover for 90 days maximum, starting on the date of defenitive return to France, only if the trigger event occurs within the policy cover
*Hospitalization : 1 000 000€ without deductible
* Outpatient Care : Maximum Limit 15 000€
International assistance during your stay abroad

Rapatriation of the Insured person for health reasons100% of the actual expenses

A) Evacuation to the place of residence in France

100% of the actual expenses

B) Medical Transfer to the most suitable medical center near the Insured person's place of residence in France

100% of the actual expenses

C) Medical Tranfer to the most suitable medical center near Insured person's place of residence, in the hosting country abroad

100% of the actual expenses

Return of one accompanying family member, in case of medical evacuation of the Insured person

* Transport : 100% of the actual expenses (Provision of a 1st class train ticket or economy-class airline ticket)
Housing : 50€/person/day (Maximum Limit 500€)

Bedside visit of one family member in case of Hospitalization of the Insured person on the place of illness or accident in the hosting country abroad

In case of Hospitalization > 72 consecutive hours
* Transport : 100% of the actual expenses (1st class round-trip train ticket or economy round-trip airline ticket)
Housing : 50€/person/day (Maximum Limit 500€)

Extension of the Insured person's stay abroad for medical reasons

Housing : € 50/person/day (Maximum Limit € 500)

Early return of the Insured person in case of a family member's hospitalization > 72 consecutive hours or death

Transport : 100% of the actual expenses (1st class round-trip train ticket or economy round-trip airline ticket)

Rapatriation of mortal remains of the Insured person

Transport organization and Transport costs : actual expenses
Exluding costs of burial, embalming, coffin, and ceremony

In case of the Insured person's death, costs of coffin, funeral urn, preparation of remains, all official and administrative formalities

Maximum Limit : € 1 500€


Shipment of essential prescription drugs not available in the hosting country

Occasional shipment of essential prescription drugs not available int he hosting country, in accordance with the laws of the hosting country relative to the import and circulation of prescription drugs
Shipping costs only

Organization of a local Doctor's visit on the place of accident or illness in the hosting country, only if our medical staff consider it as necessaryr

100% of the actual expenses

Psychological counselling by phone

Maximum Limit : 3 psychologists phone consultations

Medical Information related to travel ans stay abroad

* before departure abroad : health prevention advice, compulsory or recommanded vaccinations, local healthcare system …
* during the stay abroad : our medical staff is available on phone to answer to medical issues (need for diagnosis tests explanations, equivalent medications in the hosting country ...)

Advance of bail in the hosting country
(unintentional violation of law)

Maximum limit : € 7 500

Legal fees in the hosting country
(unintentional violation of law)

Maximum limit : € 3 00 per Insured

Search and rescue costs abroad (sea, montain, desert)

Maximum limit : 5 000€ per Insured
Maximum limit : 25 000€ per event

Sending urgent messages


Advance of funds in case of theft, loss or destruction of the Insured identity documents and means of payment

Advance of funds : € 500 maximum per Insured


Loss* or theft* of baggage and personal belongings in the hosting country abroad (outside the place of residence or housing accomodation)

* reported to the local competent authorities within 48 hours (police …)
* Providing services with a maximum Llimit of 2 000€ per Insured and per year
* Deductible : 25€/case

Loss* or theft* of baggage and personal belongings during the round-trip to and from the hosting country

* reported to the local competent authorities within 48 hours (police, transport company, purser ...)

* Providing services with a maximum Llimit of 2 000€ per Insured and per year
* Deductible : 25€/case

Valuable items

Maximum Limit : € 1 000
Insurance benefits

Principal sum in case of accidental death € 8 000 maximum per Insured

Capital sum in case of accidental permanent Total or Partial disability

* € 40 000 maximum per Insured
* Only disability levels >31% are covered. The insurance company will pay a Capital sum according to the level of disability, calculated as follows : € 40 000 X the disability level rate (%)


Accidental Bodily injury
*caused by the Insured to third parties

* € 4 500 000
* Deductible : € 80 per case

Accidental property damages and consequential financial loss*,*caused by the Insured to third parties

* Sub-limit : € 450 000 per event
* Deductible : € 80 per case

Property Damage to material and equipment delivered by the internship Organization

€ 12 000 per event


Property damages
This benefit does not override to comply with legal or landlord's agreement requirements to subscribe local Tenant Insurance in the hosting country

* Maximum Limit : 100 000€
Only in case of accidental fire, water damage or explosion to the rented property
* Deductible : 80€ per case

Our complementary insurances

Not sure what you need?
Don't panic!

Let us guide you, advise you and present you with the solution that best suits your profile!

You're not sure
what you need?
Don't panic!

Let us guide you, advise you and present you with the solution that best suits your profile!